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Renting in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, CA

February 11th, 2012 3:26 PM by Nathan Rufty

The average rent in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, CA is any where from $1200 a month on a 1 bedroom and $1800 for a 3 bedroom. You know you can replace that rent with a mortgage payment. What is holding you back from purchasing a home of your own, is it the credit, the down payment or the income? It may be the time to speaking with a licensed mortgage professional such as myself on how to rebuild your credit, seek out ways for the down payment and present to you on what your monthly income will allow on a house payment. Lets explore homeownership together. Most of us do not do our own taxes or perform a root canal on ourselves, we seek out a professional for those services and that is what kind of services I offer, professional service to see what kind of a home awaits you. You have to live somewhere and most of that somewhere you have to pay rent, lets change who you write that check to. Lets get started!
Posted in:General
Posted by Nathan Rufty on February 11th, 2012 3:26 PM



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