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Buying season is upon us!

June 10th, 2012 8:45 AM by Nathan Rufty

Buying season is upon us in Rancho Cucamonga. This is thwww.nathanrufty.com/loanapplicatione time when the majority of the homes listed for sale, sale. The rates are low, we have warm weather for house shopping, kids are out of school, prices are obtainable for many people looking to purchase a home in the Inland Empire. Lets turn off the TV and see what is available in your area, it does not hurt to explore the possibilities to purchase a home. 

So the big question is when your lease is up on renting a home, apartment or it is time to move out of your parent's home, where are you going to live, you have to move somewhere and that somewhere should be a home of your own.

Believe it or not but we still have 100% home loan programs available on the market today and we have down payment assistance money also. Lets say you have the income, credit and all you need is the funds to close escrow, lets talk on how we can obtain those funds, it may be easier than you think.

www.nathanrufty.com/loanapplicationLets work towards placing you in the position to purchase your very own home. The time to start is now, not down the road, waiting will only put you behind everyone else who has already started. I can review your income, credit and down payment to see what your budget will allow you to purchase or work towards making yourself lendable and the only way to know is to get started on this easy to do process. The only way you will know your purchasing power is to speak with a Licensed Mortgage Professional such as myself to work on blue print with you towards homeownership.

Lets get started TODAY and you can host those holiday parties at your home!. Click on either of the pictures to start a short loan application or call me directly at 909-503-5600. I look forward in hearing from you!

Posted in:General
Posted by Nathan Rufty on June 10th, 2012 8:45 AM



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