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Getting prepared to purchase a home in Rancho Cucamonga, CA!

August 4th, 2012 10:28 AM by Nathan Rufty

Rancho Cucamonga, Ca has a very short supply of homes for sale for first time homebuyers to purchase. It is crucial that the home buyer has all their ducks in a row.

Such as credit, income, the ability for a down payment and a set budget for a home payment.

Credit is the key component to purchase a home. Need two items for credit, credit score and credit in the body of the report, overall credit is important in purchasing a home.

As long as you have income coming in and a 2 year employment history, you are good and a trade school can be a part of the 2 year history.

Down payment can come from, checking, savings, CD, money market, retirement account, gift from a family member, sale something of value, down payment assistance home loan program, many ways to find the ability for the down payment.

Set a budget for the overall payment, you are renting now and you have set a budget for that, just exchange that rent payment for a house payment.

Lets explore the option of purchasing your own home or lets get you in a position to purchase a home in the very near future.

Posted in:General
Posted by Nathan Rufty on August 4th, 2012 10:28 AM



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